Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Early Bird Spring Sale! UPDATE

There are plenty of perks to owning your own business...
 one of them is that you can have an impromptu sale when ever the whim takes you over...

Oh and how I adore End of Winter Whimsy!

and so, that is just what Indigo Swallow is doing for the duration of this month!
We've discounted many of our items down to 35% to 50% off.

They are listed under
Lasso it now {sale}
Claims are first come first serve, sorry no reserves...
and there are plenty of custom items available for claim to boot.
Plus, if you claim 3 or more items form the shop you get a complementary set of these

'Planting Seeds' earrings.

Yet I think the biggest surprise of this extemporaneous, this unexpected and necessary SALE
is the selection of the giveaway winner for this 'Currency' that will be chosen on the First day of spring to celebrate the return of the robins.

To qualify for the Giveaway of the Currency necklace:

Un Follow our blog... then leave us a comment here at the bottom of page, say howdy, or what ever is on your mind.

Deux.  Post news of this giveaway with a link to this here blog, be it on or your own blog. Then leave us a comment here at the bottom of page with a link to your post.

And that is that, such an easy way to win a spring festoon! 
The giveaway deadline is at 7pm MST on Monday February 28th I'll be claiming a winner on Thursday March first so get those wings of your flappin!

{See you in the Wind}


Indigo Swallow is calling a winner of the Currency necklace today... yes it's a bit early, yet it seems that we didn't do a very good job at explaining the guidelines... or perhaps people got too excited and didn't read them carefully:( in order to win the $45 value necklace we asked of both Un and DEUX to be followed and its seems none of the contenders completed them thoroughly, also the giveaway seems to have run its course. AND so, we did the random generator pull and found our winner out of those of you who commented... so its time to call a winner:

Dalia Stoffer go claim your Currency necklace:)
and thank you for doing two out of the three items for qualification dear lady.
Crystal Dawn will be sending it to you on Monday.


Indigo Swallow said...

Comment option works now:}

DaliaStoffer said...

Nice :D

Digital Misfit said...

I saw the lovely Currency necklace on Etsy and had to rush right over here.